
Name: Taji
Race/Specie: Ninetales-Morph
Skills: Drawing, being an idiot
Likes: Flowers, fire, pretty things
Dislikes: Pain, hurtful people

Description: Taji is a girl with a split personality, though she doesn't show her bad side as much as she used to. Normally she's laid-back with a sweet nature, lacking the fiery temper of a redhead and usually just trying to be as pacifistic as can be. She wears a lot of leather, not to be badass, but just because she usually can make things spontaneously combust, including her clothing. On the flip side, she can be a raging killer, hellbent on destroying anything and everything in her path, not caring what the path leads to.

Background Info: Taji was born and raised in the country amongst seven younger siblings, the oldest being five years younger than her. She was the surrogate mother to them all, as their real mother had disappeared one day shortly after the seventh sibling was born, and they had never known a father. When Taji felt her siblings were old enough to take care of themselves, she went off to the city to find a job to support them, and hopefully move them out of the little ramshackle hut in the country. Of course, not many people like hiring a country bumpkin.


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