
Name: Taikalice
Race/Specie: Unknown
Skills: Restoring order, creating life
Likes: Peace, order, rules
Dislikes: Chaos, bad things, broken things

Description: Taikalice isn't a person. She's not even a goddess. No one really knows what she is; she's just a thing, like Chaos. But she's the greatest power in the universe and is the First, therefore she must be revered. When she does finally visit Earth, she does so as a beautiful human woman, so beautiful that it hurts to look at her for long. Being that she isn't a person, though, she is devoid of emotion and cares only that there is a semblance of peace and order in the universe.

Background Info: Taikalice finally shows up in the end of the big battle to banish Chaos back to wherever he came from. It's her plan to lock all the hellgods back into Hell, but the angels and Flame talk her out of it (amazingly) and she leaves it to the mortals and angels to decide the rest of the gods' fates.


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