
Name: Slade
Race/Specie: Helldemon
Skills: Creating obscure creatures, pissing people off, kidnapping
Likes: Torturing people, screwing with nature
Dislikes: Everything, except Des (and Soraya >D)

Description: Evil. Evilevilevilevilev--well I think you get it. Slade is through and through evil, though you rarely see that. He only likes his sister because she's his counterpart, and if he hated her, he'd end up hating and killing himself, which wouldn't suit his ends. He's also half-brothers with Detejh, one of the hellgods, and resents the fact that Tejh is a god and he's only a second-class demon.

Background Info: Also comes to harass Flame, and mostly targets killing Braze, because she's beautiful and he can't stand it (when she's grown, anyway). Efforts on the part of Aidan and Taurean send this guy to the higher plane where the angels make sure he's deader than dead (yes, angels) No second chances for this guy.


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