
Name: Raikari
Race/Specie: Unknown (possibly human, somewhat phoenix maybe)
Skills: fire element energy attacks, phoenix style revival
Likes: Ranieh, fire, winning fights (and arguments)
Dislikes: Arianna (for the most part), being ignored

Description: Known for a firey temper and being ravishingly dangerous. You want to be on 'Kari's good side, or faaar far away. She's not really that touchy though, just overprotective of her friends, and her feelings which she usually hides deep inside. Raikari and Ranieh get along very well, and she would like it to be more than just a friendship, but knows that he's not so keen on the idea, and both of them realize that she's not really her own person at this point, only part of Arilla separated into a different form. She's disappointed that things can't go her way, but maintains her hope that someday they will, and sticks to her goal of bringing Arilla back and back to normal.

Background Info: At one point in the story Arilla is killed and cursed into the hell-like fire relm. However only a part of her is there (as Kaizal), and when she returns there come a number of other pieces of Arilla's consciousness, some are more like her than others, and all of them are changed from who they were when they were one. Raikari is a piece of the whole, and maintains little appearance of Arilla, but probably represents her angry, stubborn side.


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