
Name: Meiko PikoSan
Race/Specie: Elementara(Thundara)
Skills: electrocution, being adorable, bugging Ranieh
Likes: Ranieh, being called cute, being petted, acting cute, her friends
Dislikes: being ignored, going into depressed moods

Description: Meiko is disturbed. She's adorable enough to get whatever she wants, but by nature sinks into horrible depression every so often. She'll lie as though dead and not care if she almost does get killed. But even then, or at other times when in a better, sillier, temperament, she doesn't take anything seriously except that she's a friend to her friends because she realizes how much they do to try to help her.

Background Info: She's another form of Arilla and a full Thundara, and other than that I'm not sure. I suppose she represents Arilla's sorrow, loneliness and confusion. But confusion is part of being any of the broken pieces of a person.


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