
Name: Malith Kalire
Race/Specie: Wizard
Skills: Magic of any type, bonding with animals and insects, doing the least amount of work possible to just barely and exactly meet expectations, convincing people and animals to like him - for a purpose
Likes: Butterflies, kittens, innocence and beauty
Dislikes: Nearly everything about who he is

Description: For the most part Malith is like a robot. He can feign emotions and pretend to care, but whether he really does have anything in his heart besides loyalty to his master is questionable. He puts up with whatever his father, creator and controller Tarskal throws at him, simply because he doesn't possess the ability to flat out disobey. Someday it's likely that he'll break down and become his own person, or else snap and destroy himself with the immense gift of power he has. In a way Malith is searching to discover what he really is, but in another way he really doesn't care. He consents to being controlled by Tarskal but he won't expend too much energy or devotion because again, he simply doesn't care.

Background Info: It's not certain how he came into existence, except that Tarskal created him, and technically he is Lukar's brother. Also, he doesn't exist the in regular storyline (yet), just the screwy-fun one.


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