
Name: Lieaf
Race/Specie: Elementara(Flora/Fleur)/Human
Skills: Messing with/fixing lukar's mind, growing plants, photosynthesis, magic
Likes: Water, fresh air, sunlight, luukey
Dislikes: Fire, being called grass/chia pet/vegetation/ect., Felice (to some extent)

Description: A little screwy, kinda strange, and full of perk and energy, even though she often tries to be serious, Lieaf is the biggest bottle of contradictions you're likely to meet. She's very devoted to whatever cause she chooses to work towards, but often makes initial decisions spontaneously and has to battle against regret later on. In the storyline, Lieaf meets Lukar after he's come back from the dead and become quite insane. She becomes his only friend and manages to get him thinking logically. After a while she's quite attached to "Chire" as she calls him, enough to transform into her half human, and later full human, forms. This little connection is obviously what makes Felice dislike her, and her to not exactly be on friendly terms with Felice. She wouldn't break Lukar apart from anyone to get him though, so there isn't really a problem. Besides that, insane Lukar is a little different himself.

Background Info: Lieaf lived most of her life as a simple Elementara, there's little else known about her past.


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