
Name: Kieva Dihemn
Race/Specie: Wizard
Skills: Magic - especially earth element and dark magic, bossing people around
Likes: Making money, beating up things when angry, having someone care about her
Dislikes: Herself, her ex-lovers, being alone, being a mom and not being able to be near her son

Description: She keeps Tarskal's second name to remind her of how stupid she feels she's been with her whole life, and in many ways you could say it's quite true. Though strong and proud in character, Kieva suffers a good deal from being so alone almost all the time. She would claim to be used to it, and prefer it to being surrounded by fake friends, but still her inner self longs so much for someone to be close to, that she's thrown away her self-worth and better judgement to be in a relationship. It makes her seem slutty that she slept with her employer (the big boss of S.T.A.L.), married the dark and handsome stranger who deceived her with promise of love, and would probably take them back if they asked her to, but really, it's just that she doesn't know what else to feel or what to do. However, things may change after Kieva is taken prisoner by the good guys, and a much more worthy stranger is unknowingly creeping into her heart.

Background Info: Kieva worked for S.T.A.L., protecting whatever it is they tell her to using advanced black magic. She married Tarskal, gave birth to Lukar, and then left once TD took of the mask of goodwill he'd long fooled her with.


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