
Name: Ceria Aleihyea
Race/Specie: Arian
Skills: Arian magic, healing, shyness
Likes: Aio, Troi, a certain cold-blooded killer who isn't all bad o_o (she speaks against this claim, but we all know it's true), being useful
Dislikes: violence, fighting, bloodshed (etc.), Duiain, her own dark powers

Description: Bit of a mild tempered and depressed girl, but not half bad, Ceri is generally as innocent and unspoilt as they come. She IS getting rather confused though and possibility of insanity grows. For the one thing her friends and family were to her knowledge completely wiped out in the Arian armageddon, and to top it off she's flung into an alien world where her only friend is a little mutant bird with three legs. Then she gets a liiittle crush on a psycho-killer who is the first nice (to her) person that she meets, but she doesn't see him often, then she gets a little crush on Aio when she finally finds him on Earth (well just think, he's a former friend, one of her own kind, gentlemanly and etc.), but he's already fallen in with a girl! Thus she's rather lonely in a romantic way at an age which would be like the human equivalent of older teenage years. . . a very troubled time. AND to make it all worse the "save-the-Earth foundation" group discovers that Earth is pretty well doomed since no one on it will listen to them (except their ragtag group they picked up), and the only way to save the planet is to beat destruction before it starts - meaning on Ari. And meaning Ceri who can use dark magic, has to learn time travel magic to take them back there. It's not good for her. However, her hidden inner strength may contain reserves enough to do the job, and stay her innocent, caring self. She does hide it indeed though. . The only time we see Ceri bounce up instead of drooping down is when somebody makes her mad (she never gets THAT mad, just zealous. . unless you use too many swears. . . ) then she has to pounce right on it to make it right.

Background Info: From a long line of happy, slightly wealthy (a minute difference from unwealthy considering Arians spread the wealth pretty equally) and mildly eccentric Arians living happily on Ari - you'd think she'd be more carefree. Though that's not the case, she WAS more joyful as a child. Obviously that got more or less shattered when she became one of only three survivors from her home planet.


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