
Name: Astal Traize
Race/Specie: Wizard/Arian/Elf/Elementara(Storme)
Skills: Magic, being a nice guy, fighting evil
Likes: Arilla, stars, peace and quiet (but adventure too)
Dislikes: His evil side, Arilla having a crush on Lukar, being chased after by his adoring fannns!

Description: Tawwy is sweet and kind, full of goodness and a sense of chivalry but still gentle, shy and modest. In all aspects he seems to be the perfect gentleman and the perfect prince (and he is one). But for it all he seems unhappy, because within himself he is forced to struggle constantly. He hides very well the dark half of himself, the fact that he's actually part evil elementara makes him dangerously powerful, but it's his deepest fear that if he ever needed that strength he would lose himself to use it and therefore tries to convince his mind that it doesn't exist. For his good half he's very privileged, because anyone with a less pure and devoted heart would have turned long ago, and there are many people who depend on Astal for a stable future of their own. He displays extreme loyalty to his parents and his country of Ari when he first falls in love with Arilla, because he isn't aware of who she is, and determines not to get too close to her until he has at least met or discovered the fate of the missing princess who he was betrothed to as a child.

Background Info: When Astal was born, his father Atra was in the debt of the king and queen of Ari, and being childless, they promised to pass on the throne to the boy when the time came. But later, by some strange turn they did have a daughter who's right it would be to take over this position. Atra and the royal family remade the deal, that someday Astal might marry the princess and be king, or if the young people decided against it, the girl would have her right to rulership. But as the story goes the princess is kidnapped at a young age, and even though this technically would mean Astal could be king, he decides to follow in the footsteps of lesser people, and seek out the princess himself.


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